Yongqi Li, MD
Associate Professor?
Department of Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery
The Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University
Research Interests
Education and Experience
M.D, Otolarynogology, the Sun Yat-sen University , 2004
B.A. of Medicine, the Hunan medicine and science University, 1996
Post-doctoral study, 2009.3-2010.2 Center of Hearing and Deafness, University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (1996)
1.Li Y, Ding D, Jiang H, Fu Y, Salvi R. Co-administration of cisplatin and furosemide causes rapid and massive loss of cochlear hair cells in mice. Neurotox res, 2011, 20(4):307-19
2.Dalian Ding, Jingchun He, Dongzhen Yu, Haiyan Jiang, Yongqi Li, Richard Salvi, New Insights on Cisplatin Ototoxicity. Canadian Hearing Report 2013, 8(1):29-31
3.Li Y,Li Y, Li P,Zhang G. Diagnosis and Endoscopic Surgery of Chronic Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis.Am J Rhinol Allergy,2009,23(6):622-625
4.Peng Li, Xiang-li Zeng, Yongqi Li (2010).Clinical analysis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo secondary to Meniere’s disease. Scientific Research and Essays 2010,5(23): 3672
5.Li P, Li Y, Li YQ, Yang QT, Zhang GH. Glucocorticoid receptor expression and glucocorticoid therapeutic effect in nasal polyps [Article]. Clinical and Investigative Medicine,2010; 33 (3): E181-E88
6.Zeng X, Li P, Li Z, Cen J, Li Y,Zhang G. Analysis of acutely exacerbated chronic tinnitus handicap inventory. Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2015, 130(1):1-4
7.Ding D, Jiang H, Fu Y, Li Y, Richard S, Shinichi S, Masaru T.? Ototoxic model?of? oxapliplatin?and?protection?from?nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. J??Otology, 2013, 8(1): 22-30
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University
600 Tianhe Road, Guangzhou, P.R. China 510630
Tel: 8620-85252690, 8620-85253029
Email: liyongqi@mail.sysu.edu.cn? ?