Shuxia Xie
Associate Chief Physician of Dermatology
Research Interests
Cosmetic dermatology
Diseases of the Hair
Dermatoses caused by disturbance of pigmentation
Pruritus and Neurocutaneous Dermatoses
Skin rejuvenation
Education and Experience
SunYat-sen University–Bachelor in Medicine 1982~1988
Training on SPF&PA testing method(2004)
Advanced studies of Master in Sun Yat-sen University(2002~2004)
Training courses of National Beauty & Dermatology Science2001
Training courses on Study and Progress of? Dermatovenerology of Integrated
Traditional and Western Medicine 2001
Training course on Progress on Venereal Disease Cure and Its Laboratory Diagnosis2001
Advanced courses for responsibles of Clinical Pharmacology2000 ?
Training courses on Progress on Dermatology and Venereology1999
Training courses on Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics of? MOH1999
Teacher’s Training before Taking Teaching Position in Colleges and Universities1999
Dermatology, The Third Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University ?(1988 -present)
Department of Dermatology
The Third Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University
NO.600 TianHe road
Guangzhou, Guangdong
510630 China
Appointment Phone:?+86 20 85253017